Hi. How can we help you?
Our Baji APP is now available on Android. Follow these simple steps to download and install Baji APP on your smartphone.
Step 1: There are three ways to download Baji App
- click the ‘App’ button at the top right corner of the Baji homepage.
- click on the Android icon
at the bottom of the Baji homepage.
- click on the link https://www.bajilive.net/download/bj/bj.apk to download.
Step 2: Tap “Android Download” when prompted.
Step 3: After successfully downloading the file, open the file and proceed to the installation phase. It only takes a few seconds to install the APP.
Yes, it’s as simple as that! You can now easily place bets on Baji without any hassle! For more details, check out the video below!